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Proof of Receipt

The evidence of business expenses must be presented to the tax office for inspection and examination upon request (Federal Tax Code § 138). Companies that wish to deduct business expenses will need to collect receipts (invoices, business papers, writings, and certificates) for proof that this expense was incurred. The tax office can also ask companies to identify the recipients of these amounts. If companies are unable the provide the requested information, the deductions cannot be recognised, even if the business expense payments were actually made (Federal Tax Code § 162 ).

According to the Federal Tax Code §132, records that are important for the collection of taxes need to be kept for seven years. Receipts can be stored electronically if complete, orderly, content-identical, and true-to-original reproduction is guaranteed at all times until the end of the statutory retention period.

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Learn how the single receipt & multiple receipts scanning works here.

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