In France, employees can opt for a 10% flat-rate deduction to apply to the professional expenses they have incurred. The deduction covers common professional expenses, such as commute expenses and meal expenses at the workplace. This flat-rate deduction of 10% is automatically deducted from the employee’s salary.

Each employee has the option to individually waive the flat-rate deduction and, under specific conditions, opt to deduct their actual expenses instead. However, the 10% deduction and the deduction for actual expenses cannot be claimed simultaneously.

For each employee, the amount of the 10% deduction is:

  • at least €495 unless the declared remuneration is less than this amount;
  • at most, at €14,171.

Exceptions where contributions are exempt include:

  • Commute allowances for construction workers
  • Employer contributions to travel card costs
  • €4 travel allowance introduced by the order of 28 September 1948
  • Employer’s contribution to meal vouchers (between 50-60%, with a maximum of €7.18 for 2024)
  • Employee travel expenses reimbursed by the employer

When an employee opts for the 10% deduction, the allowances or reimbursements the employer provides are tax free, if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The expenses have a professional character;
  • correspond to actual expenses;
  • can be justified;
  • are specific.

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