In Norway, employers can grant their employees per diem when they are on a business trip. A per diem is a daily allowance covering the reasonable increase in meal expenses and other living expenses incurred by the employee during business travel.

For Norwegian per diem, there are two important sources to consult. Firstly, there are the state per diem rates published by the Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs (Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet (KDD)). Additionally, the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) publishes maximum tax-free amounts relevant to per diem allowances.

Employers may opt to reimburse employees based on the agreement between employee and employer or based on the state per diem rates. However, they must assess the tax implications, distinguishing between the tax-free and taxable portions of the reimbursed per diem. Ensuring compliance, employers should remit taxes on the taxable component of the per diem reimbursement.

Per Diem Rates

Max. tax-free amounts
(source: Skatteetaten)
State rates for domestic trips 
(source: Statens personalhåndbok)
State rates for international trips

See country rates below
(source: Statens personalhåndbok)

One day trip
Less than 6 hours / / /
6 – 12 hours NOK 200 2025: NOK 384
2024: NOK 369
50% of the country rate
More than 12 hours NOK 400 2025: NOK 713
2024: NOK 686
100% of the country rate
Meal deductions

(meals provided by employer/host/…)

Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate
Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate
Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate
Multiple day trip (business trip longer than 12 hours with accommodation)
Full day (24 hours) – For employees staying at a bedsit without cooking facilities or guesthouse/portacabin NOK 400 2025: NOK 977
2024: NOK 940
100% of the country rate
Full day (24 hours) – For employees on business travel/work-related travel who are staying at a bedsit/portacabin with cooking facilities or have stayed overnight in private accommodation 2025: NOK 105
2024: NOK 102
2025: NOK 977
2024: NOK 940
100% of the country rate
Full day (24 hours) – For employees staying in a hotel 2025: NOK 678
2024: NOK 658
2025: NOK 977
2024: NOK 940
100% of the country rate
Full day (24 hours) – For long-distance drivers NOK 400 2025: NOK 977
2024: NOK 940
100% of the country rate
Last day less than 6 hours / /
Last day 6 – 12 hours Allowance for subsistence is given based on the type of accommodation used on the previous overnight stay 2025: NOK 384
2024: NOK 369
50% of the country rate
Last day more than 12 hours Allowance for subsistence is given based on the type of accommodation used on the previous overnight stay 2025: NOK 713
2024: NOK 686
100% of the country rate
Meal deductions

(meals provided by employer/host/hotel…)

Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate
Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate
Breakfast: 20% of the applicable rate
Lunch: 30% of the applicable rate
Dinner: 50% of the applicable rate


Additional notes regarding the state rates:

  • The per diem rates can be granted to employees on business trips exceeding 15km and lasting more than 6 hours.
  • Generally, accommodation is covered according to the hotel bill. The employer must ensure that the accommodation meets the requirements for safety, communication and comfort within a reasonable cost frame and available accommodation options on site. If this is not the case and the employer does not provide other accommodation, an overnight supplement of NOK 435 applies (same for 2023 and 2024). This supplement is undocumented, which means the employee does not need to submit proof or documentation about the accommodation. However, accommodation cannot take place in your own home, including dormitories or cabins.
  • No meal deductions are made for breakfast when an undocumented night supplement is used.
  • For international business trips, the rates for the board are reduced by 25% from and including the 29th day. If two consecutive stays at the same assignment last longer than 28 days, the reduction also applies.
  • If the journey is made through several countries within a day, the cost is calculated for the country where the employee stayed the longest.

State rates for international trips - country rates (2025)

Land Landkode (ISO) By/område Kostsatser gjeldende fra 1.1.2025 Valuta
Albania ALB Tirana 470 NOK
Østerrike AUT Utenom Wien 80 EUR
Østerrike AUT Wien 85 EUR
Belarus BLR Minsk 119 BYN
Belgia BEL Brüssel 98 EUR
Bosnia- Hercegovina BIH Sarajevo 530 NOK
Bulgaria BGR Sofia 104 BGN
Kroatia HRV Zagreb 65 EUR
Kypros CYP Nicosia 72 EUR
Tsjekkia CZE Praha 1919 CZK
Danmark DNK København 963 DKK
Estland EST Tallinn 82 EUR
Finland FIN Helsingfors 105 EUR
Frankrike FRA Utenom Paris 85 EUR
Frankrike FRA Paris 93 EUR
Tyskland DEU Berlin 83 EUR
Tyskland DEU Utenom Berlin 81 EUR
Hellas GRC Athen 82 EUR
Ungarn HUN Budapest 30 275 HUF
Island ISL Reykjavik 18 133 ISK
Irland IRL Dublin 116 EUR
Italia ITA Roma 90 EUR
Kosovo XXK Pristina 36 EUR
Latvia LVA Riga 88 EUR
Litauen LTU Vilnius 77 EUR
Liechtenstein LIE Vaduz 135 CHF
Luxembourg LUX Luxembourg 108 EUR
Nord-Makedonia MKD Skopje 470 NOK
Malta MLT Malta 76 EUR
Moldova MDA Chisinau 610 NOK
Monaco MCO Monaco 109 EUR
Montenegro MNE Podgorica 51 EUR
Nederland NLD Amsterdam 81 EUR
Polen POL Warszawa 294 PLN
Portugal PRT Lisboa 71 EUR
Romania ROU Bucuresti 271 RON
Russland RUS Utenom Moskva og St. Petersburg 470 NOK
Russland RUS Moskva 850 NOK
Russland RUS St Petersburg 600 NOK
Serbia SRB Beograd 690 NOK
Slovakia SVK Bratislava 84 EUR
Slovenia SVN Ljubljana 70 EUR
Spania ESP Madrid 76 EUR
Sverige SWE Stockholm 971 SEK
Sveits CHE Utenom Genève og Zurich 135 CHF
Sveits CHE Genève 135 CHF
Sveits CHE Zurich 138 CHF
Ukraina UKR Kiev 500 NOK
Storbritannia GBR London 88 GBP
Storbritannia GBR Utenom London 77 GBP
Land Landkode (ISO) By/område Nye kostsatser Valuta
Algerie DZA Algiers 520 NOK
Angola AGO Luanda 740 NOK
Benin BEN Cotonou 770 NOK
Botswana BWA Gaborone 560 NOK
Burundi BDI Bujumbura 570 NOK
Kamerun CMR Yaounde 700 NOK
Kongo-Brazzaville COG Brazzaville 960 NOK
Elfenbenskysten CIV Abidjan 960 NOK
Kongo COD Kinshasa 850 NOK
Egypt EGY Kairo 320 NOK
Eritrea ERI Asmara 670 NOK
Eswatini SWZ Mbabane 430 NOK
Etiopia ETH Addis Ababa 550 NOK
Gabon GAB Libreville 910 NOK
Ghana GHA Accra 550 NOK
Kenya KEN Nairobi 710 NOK
Lesotho LSO Maseru 380 NOK
Madagaskar MDG Antananarivo 370 NOK
Malawi MWI Lilongwe 480 NOK
Mauritius MUS Port Louis 530 NOK
Marokko MAR Rabat 650 NOK
Mosambik MOZ Maputo 600 NOK
Namibia NAM Windhoek 430 NOK
Nigeria NGA Abuja 500 NOK
Seychellene SYC Victoria 1 160 NOK
Sør-Afrika ZAF Pretoria 928 ZAR
Sør-Sudan SSD Juba 830 NOK
Sudan SDN Khartoum 640 NOK
Tanzania TZA Dar es Salaam 530 NOK
Togo TGO Lome 740 NOK
Zambia ZMB Lusaka 480 NOK
Zimbabwe ZWE Harare 740 NOK
Afrika øvrige 640 NOK
Land Landkode (ISO) By/område Nye kostsatser Valuta
Argentina ARG Buenos Aires 630 NOK
Bahamas BHS Nassau 1 630 NOK
Barbados BRB Bridgetown 1 330 NOK
Bolivia BOL La Paz 590 NOK
Brasil BRA Brasilia 321 BRL
Brasil BRA Rio de Janeiro 352 BRL
Canada CAN Ottawa 159 CAD
Chile CHL Santiago 730 NOK
Colombia COL Bogota 590 NOK
Costa Rica CRI San Jose 920 NOK
Cuba CUB Havanna 640 NOK
El Salvador SLV San Salvador 68 USD
Guatemala GTM Guatemala by 850 NOK
Guyana GUY Georgetown 890 NOK
Honduras HND Tegucigalpa 700 NOK
Jamaica JAM Kingston 690 NOK
Mexico MEX Mexico by 1 480 MXN
Nicaragua NIC Managua 720 NOK
Panama PAN Panama by 90 USD
Paraguay PRY Asuncion 470 NOK
Peru PER Lima 680 NOK
Puerto Rico PRI San Juan 97 USD
Surinam SUR Paramaribo 740 NOK
USA USA Manhattan, NY 136 USD
USA USA San Francisco CA 141 USD
USA USA Utenom Manhattan, Washington DC og San Francisco 119 USD
USA USA Washington DC 133 USD
Uruguay URY Montevideo 810 NOK
Venezuela VEN Caracas 860 NOK
Amerika øvrige 860 NOK
Land Landkode (ISO) By/område Nye kostsatser Valuta
Afghanistan Kabul 760 NOK
Armenia ARM Jerevan 650 NOK
Aserbajdsjan AZE Baku 640 NOK
Bahrain BHR Manama 1 200 NOK
Bangladesh BGD Dhaka 6 582 BDT
Brunei BRN Bandar Seri Begawan 640 NOK
Kambodsja KHM Phnom Penh 74 USD
Kina CHN Beijing 577 CNY
Kina CHN Shanghai 589 CNY
Øst-Timor TLS Dili 65 USD
Georgia GEO Tbilisi 510 NOK
Hongkong HKG Hong Kong 898 HKD
India IND New Delhi 3 966 INR
Indonesia IDN Jakarta 1 007 553 IDR
Iran IRN Teheran 360 NOK
Israel ISR Jerusalem 417 ILS
Japan JPN Tokyo 9 195 JPY
Jemen Sanaá 760 NOK
Jordan JOR Amman 1 110 NOK
Kasakhstan KAZ Astana 580 NOK
Sør-Korea KOR Seoul 1 030 103 600​* KRW
Kuwait KWT Kuwait by 1 030 NOK
Laos LAO Vientiane 350 NOK
Nord Korea Pyongyang 760 NOK
Malaysia MYS Kuala Lumpur 193 MYR
Maldivene MDV Male 660 NOK
Myanmar MMR Yangon 98 800 MMK
Oman OMN Muscat 1 140 NOK
Pakistan PAK Islamabad 10 230 PKR
Palestina PSE 417 ILS
Filippinene PHL Metro-Manila 3 990 PHP
Qatar QAT Doha 1 080 NOK
Saudi-Arabia SAU Riyadh 1 290 NOK
Singapore SGP Singapore 147 SGD
Sri Lanka LKA Colombo 680 NOK
Taiwan TWN Taipei 2 369 TWD
Thailand THA Bangkok 2 436 THB
Tyrkia TUR Ankara 1 610 TRY
Tyrkia TUR Istanbul 1 740 TRY
De forente arabiske emirater ARE Abu Dhabi 1 220 NOK
Usbekistan UZB Tasjkent 460 NOK
Vietnam VNM Hanoi 1 390 663 VND
Asia øvrige 760 NOK
* Feil sum rettet 20.12.2024.
Land Landkode (ISO) By/område Nye kostsatser Valuta
Australia AUS Canberra 152 AUD
New Zealand NZL Wellington 129 NZD
Papua Ny-Guinea PNG Port Moresby 770 NOK
Australia/Oceania øvrige 890 NOK

The ministry’s comments:

1 On 22/08/2023, the central parties agreed to remove the rate that applied to Lebanon. The rate for “Other Asia” will apply to travel to the country from and including 22 August 2023 and until further notice.

2 There is only a set rate in local currency where Norges Bank publishes daily exchange rates.

Uendret fra tidligere: Digitaliserings- og forvaltningsdepartementet (DFD) har administrativt fastsatt satser for følgende områder/land slik:
Andorra: som for Spania
Azorene: som for Portugal
Færøyene: som for Danmark
Gibraltar: som for Storbritannia
Grønland: som for Danmark
Guernsey (inkl. Alderney og Sark): som for Storbritannia
Jersey: som for Storbritannia
Kanariøyene: som for Spania
Madeira: som for Portugal
Man (Isle of Man): som for Storbritannia
Nord-Irland: som for Storbritannia


Source: Statens personalhåndbok (9.3.18 Appendix) – changes 2025

Last changed