event banner for forge connect

When people ask me what the best thing about working in field marketing is, it’s hard for me to choose just one reason. But if there’s something that I’ve always enjoyed, it’s turning an idea into a memorable event because that’s where real magic can happen. Sure, we can send e-mails and post on social media, but nothing beats the face-to-face conversations at live events. It’s where we connect with people on a deeper level, hear their real challenges, and show them we’re more than just a logo— we’re partners who understand their world. 

For companies like Rydoo, events are a chance to build trust and create lasting relationships. It’s more than promoting our solution; it’s about gathering the right people together so they can exchange ideas, make them feel like they’re part of a community and that, at the end of the day, they feel like they’ve taken something valuable. That’s what we wanted to achieve with Forge Connect.  

As with most things, Forge Connect came about through a chance encounter. Rydoo’s CRO, Fernando Amaral, attended an investor meeting in early 2024, where he met iBanFirst’s CRO, Ivo Mertens. The event gathered go-to-market leaders from the investor’s portfolio to create a peer community where people who had never met (or only seen each other through Zoom calls) had a chance to share insights, ideas and expertise. For many of them, it was a comeback to in-person events after the pandemic.  

Nothing beats the face-to-face conversations at live events. It’s where we connect with people on a deeper level and show them we’re more than just a logo — we’re partners who understand their world. 

From that moment, both CROs saw the potential to build something unique — a finance community beyond traditional conferences. What started as a casual conversation soon became something much bigger: a platform for thought leadership, connecting people, and enabling professionals to share insights that matter in their day-to-day roles. And so, the story of Forge Connect began. 

Pitching the vision: building a finance community like no other

After Fernando and I brainstormed on this idea, I was tasked to pitch it to the iBanFirst marketing team. But we didn’t want this to be a single event. It had to be an ongoing initiative that would live long after the event took place so that, together, we could create a platform that would establish both our team as thought leaders in the finance world,  

I met with iBanFirst’s CMO, David Remaud, who introduced me to more people on their team and to whom I pitched the concept: a series of events designed to create real value for finance professionals beyond flashy networking sessions. They loved the idea, and soon enough, they introduced me to Caroline Petersson, our partner on this journey. Together with our Head of Brand and Comms, Antonio Carvalho, and our Content Manager, Ana Gordo, our core team was formed.  

From the moment we started working together, we were clearly on the same page. The teams at Rydoo and iBanFirst clicked instantly, and excitement was high as we began to plan. We pooled our resources, leveraging our networks to bring in top-tier speakers, all while hammering out the details that would make Forge Connect special. 

One thing was certain: Forge Connect would not just be another corporate event with a lineup of generic presentations.

There were many discussions about where to host the event, but ultimately, we settled on Amsterdam. iBanFirst already had a team in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam, and the city’s reputation as an international business hub made it the perfect fit. Regardless of the location, we didn’t want the event targeted at that specific region, so we made it clear it would not be a BENELUX. We would welcome finance professionals from DACH and the UK as well. 

When it came to deciding the topics for Forge Connect, one thing was certain: Forge Connect would not just be another corporate event with a lineup of generic presentations. We had to build something that truly addressed the topics today’s finance professionals want to discuss. Every topic, every speaker, and every session were designed around finance professionals, the challenges they face every day, what tools they rely on and what the future holds for them. 

For that, we decided to focus on topics we knew could offer real insights to the audience based on our experience. From the impact of company culture on profitability to the evolving role of the CFO, sustainable finance and ESG, we wanted to cover areas that go beyond trends but are core to the future of finance. And, of course, digital transformation and AI for finance teams — because if you’re not talking about how technology is reshaping finance, you’re already behind. 

At the end of the day, we wanted to make sure every topic was relevant and engaging. We didn’t want attendees to feel like they were sitting through a lecture but to walk away with fresh perspectives, practical takeaways, and the feeling that their time was well spent. For that, we had to find the right speakers. 

Bringing the best speakers through the right connections

One of the most important lessons from this journey? The power of our networks. Forge Connect became much bigger than we initially anticipated, and that’s because we were able to tap into the connections we’ve built over the years and our careers. Whether securing speakers or attracting attendees, the success of building Forge Connect was a direct result of the relationships we’ve nurtured way before we even imagined we would create it.  

We knew we didn’t want this event to be like all others advertised on social media. Our goal was to build something people could connect to, and what better way to do that than leveraging our connections? That’s why one of the first people we reached out to was Wouter Glaser, with whom I had been at university, but hadn’t spoken to in over a decade. Once we started looking for speakers, I knew Wouter would be a great fit, given his entrepreneurial mindset and the success he had in the past.  

It was a long shot, but he replied to my LinkedIn message shortly after, and we jumped on a call a few days after that, where he told me more about his journey and all the insights we could share. I knew then and there that we had secured our first speaker, and more were still to come.

The success of this event was a direct result of the relationships we’ve nurtured way before we even imagined we would create it.  

Everyone else who’s since joined Forge Connect is someone with whom our team has crossed paths. Rita Piçarra, our Master of Ceremony, wrote for the CFO Corner, as has Niels De Kind, who was also a moderator for a dinner Rydoo hosted in 2023. Arian Musa has moderated some conversations for our team as well, and Manuela Godeck was a guest at one of the very first dinners I organised for Rydoo in Germany.  

As for Nicolas Boucher, he’s also been featured on the CFO Corner, and we’ve kept in touch on LinkedIn ever since. We had several meetings to prepare for his sessions, and by chance, we met before our event at the Accounting Summit in Düsseldorf, where he was giving a master class. We shared the same energy and vision, and it set the tone for Forge Connect. 

It just comes to show that connecting with the right people can drive everything forward. No matter how big the vision is, the strength of the relationships behind it truly brings it to life. 

Meeting the team for the first time (again)

With preparations on the way and summer in full force, it was time for the team to fly out to Amsterdam so we could check the venue in person and settle all the logistics details. It was also the moment when most of the team met for the first time in person. The funny thing? It felt like we already knew each other.  

At its core, this event is about thought leadership and trust.

After months of virtual meetings, the connection was natural. It was a scorching-30-degree summer day in Amsterdam and as much as we wanted to stay away from the heat, the location of our venue made it easier to walk than to take a tram. We walked, talked, got to know each other better, and spent the day reviewing the run of the show, setting everything up, and finalising details.  

And even though we had been working on this event for quite some time, this was one of those rare moments when we realised it was real. Forge Connect was happening, and everything was coming together, just like we had envisioned.  

Later in the afternoon, when all was said and done, we sat by the water at the canals. This wasn’t new to me, as I lived in the area for over a decade, but it was soothing after a long day. We people gazed, saw the city buzzing with energy and even watched some people doing aerobics and jumping off the piers. It was a strange but fun sight, adding to the feeling that we were in the right place, at the right time, working on something bigger than ourselves. 

Forge Connect is more than just an event — it’s a testament to the power of collaboration. We have people from all over the world on our team: Swedes in the UK, Germans who’ve lived in the Netherlands, and Portuguese from Lisbon, all coming together under the banner of two Belgian companies. Even the local events manager, Jake, fits seamlessly into our team, proving that it doesn’t matter where you come from when everyone’s aligned on a common goal. 

At its core, this event is about thought leadership and trust. We want finance professionals to see Rydoo and iBanFirst as more than service providers. We want them to see us as trusted partners who understand their challenges and respect their time. The community we’re building is designed to give them a platform where they can connect and exchange ideas. 

This event is not about us — it’s about them. That’s what makes it special, and that’s why we’re so excited for what’s next.